The Jennings' Jabber...a few of our moments, at least...

Tuesday, May 4, 2010


I realized yesterday while we were at the plastic surgeon's office for a follow up, that I couldn't remember if I'd put up any info/stats about our 6 month check. About a month ago now, little man weighed in at 15.3 lbs, and is hanging steady at the 10th percentile. All the doctors seem happy with his initial gains and now his consistency. I am just a little concerned now that he is more active...burning more calories...and sleeping through the less bottle, so I guess we will see in the next month how he does.
Also at that appointment, they gave us a referral for the pediatric opthalmologist, to check his poor little tear ducts. He has always had goopy eyes, sometimes worse than we will be going in May 11th for that appointment down in San Diego. Worst case scenario is that they are clogged ducts and they don't think they will clear up or open on their own...then they have to do another surgery. We are hoping that he'll outgrow it!!!

Yesterday we went to the plastic surgery follow up. He gave us info to start massaging the lip scar with a silicone gel, so mommy needs to get online and order it. Funny, he pointed out all the imperfections in the lip repair and nose job...I guess as a PS, that's his job...but we just love the results, and don't think Calder can get much cuter! :) He also gave us some cautiously optimistic news about his palate, and it looks like they will most likely be able to do the palate repair in July! That seems really soon to me now, but it was what I was hoping for, so I wouldn't have to take any time off once school started. Say a prayer for us, and keep your fingers crossed! He was happy with the way it had already come together so much from the lip repair, and wants to see 6 more weeks of growth before giving us a date.

The only other big thing we have coming up is the hearing test on May 13. I guess this is the one I am most nervous about, as it is directly linked to speech acquisition and the possibility there could be some hearing loss due to the fluid he had before his tubes were put in. We know he can hear, so we are hoping for the best, but we will see! That's about it in the medical department, for now. Thanks for all of your continued thoughts and prayers for our little man!

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